Saturday, November 6, 2010

Concrete Stick

Hey Bloggers, So as a kid or even now as a teen or adolescent you still like to hop from one object or another or remember doing so, for example big rocks that separate a garden from a pathway or even those walls that start of small and just expand in growth and you just walk on them. Good times.

No in this video we have a really young girl hopping from one concrete stick to another, and as she progresses for the first 7 seconds everything is going smooth like what can go wrong? I mean its concrete stick that are off the ground by 3-4 feet while having a diameter of 20-30cm like how can you no see how this can go wrong eventually, so after her third jump she starts to lose balance and well lets just say the forth jump isn't a pretty one too, good thing she wasn't a boy if you ask me because that would of been the most pain he ever felt in his whole life story, right up there with mother in laws and taser's. But seeing thru this "Fail!?" see kept her cool and was able to walk away.


  1. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MATTT!! your blogs are so hilarious i swear, it like has nothing to do with anything which i love omg ! youre abnormal i love it!
    i definitely remember jumping concrete to concrete, and i remember tripped and falling or something omg,!!! my childhood was so fun, but i swear i still do it now, you can never be too old to hop from one object to another haha :p

  2. Very funny stuff. I like your colour commentary on the videos. Keep it up.
