Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bike Jump

Hey Bloggers, So most of you have tried creating your own ramp for a bike, skate board, roller blades and etc... and most of the time it would not work because of small problem or it actually would work but you might of not have landed the jump. Now maybe you could of put something soft on the landing spot or even make the jump heading towards water not to get hurt, well lets just say I wouldn't be worrying about landing but even getting off the ramp or getting air.

So we have a couple of feller's that have a lot of free time and decide to make a home made ramp. So they build it and set it up and it actually looks pretty sturdy, hey this might actually work. So on of the guys decides to give it a go and hops on his bike, everything goes great until he gets to the ramp, I guess he maybe lost control because of the mud on the ground and had his front wheel skid of the edge of the ramp that made him super man off but either way couldn't they of put it in a more dry? But hey I'm not mad because of there lack off thinking we got a good "Fail!?" out of it. At least they were trying to be safe by having water for a landing, but to have a safe landing you still need to get to the water first.

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