Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hey Bloggers,
So todays blog is to all those people who have been at a wedding where you always seem to have that very talented dancing uncle in some cases it may be your father, but cutting to the point we have experienced this and no matter how bad it can be you just can't look away kind of like a car crash I suppose you don't wanna look but you do it anyways.

So in this video we have two males showing off there amazing dance skill, and yes that just it, it is two males dancing at a wedding just having the fun of there life and just letting loose and it sure is intreating I mean those dance moves the guys are pulling off are really rare that you don't see very often for example on the beginning what i like to call the stop and shake. It was nice sharing.

(If you have any videos you would like to be featured please e-mail them to me at 22Blogs@gmail.com)

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