Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Running Start

Hey Bloggers,
So who here has ever been lake jumping from a dock or a rope attached to a tree or even from a small cliff, well you get a thrill as you know and well sometime the excitement over powers us and we forget to do something or do it to early which can be "VERY" painful and many time a funny memorable moment and yes I mean a "Fail".

So here we have a group of people just sitting around on a dock maybe having a couple beers and letting go sound like there having a simple day but pretty fun in the end, specially when one of there friends decides to go in for a jump in to the lake, so he backs up and start to run on the "WET" dock, now I will stop you here for a second but shouldn't this maybe be a hint not to run just like the lifeguards tell you? "Don't run near the pool" well maybe they say that for a reason like this. well back to where I left off well he runs and maybe he slips which I'm positive off or maybe he just jumped way to early either way it quiet stupid and hilarious and a perfect way to end the day.


Hey Bloggers,
So who`s going to a friend or having some friends over for rockband, should be fun right I mean what is the worst to happen, someone not being able to sing or how to use the instruments or can it be a friend that suddenly snaps sounds really fun to me.

So one evening a couple of friend meet up for a game of "RockBand" and it starts off perfect fun, having a couple beers and just playing games but everytime one small thing can goes wrong and makes the situation worse or even turns it in to a fail and having the audience (Us) have some enjoyment, I mean we all have experience that angry friend that get mad over any small thing, even if we don't break a tv we still get pretty mad, but i just feel sorry for who ever owned that tv shame for it to go to waste now.


Hey Bloggers,
So todays blog is to all those people who have been at a wedding where you always seem to have that very talented dancing uncle in some cases it may be your father, but cutting to the point we have experienced this and no matter how bad it can be you just can't look away kind of like a car crash I suppose you don't wanna look but you do it anyways.

So in this video we have two males showing off there amazing dance skill, and yes that just it, it is two males dancing at a wedding just having the fun of there life and just letting loose and it sure is intreating I mean those dance moves the guys are pulling off are really rare that you don't see very often for example on the beginning what i like to call the stop and shake. It was nice sharing.

(If you have any videos you would like to be featured please e-mail them to me at 22Blogs@gmail.com)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chin Up

Hey Bloggers,
So everyone now days everyone is trying to be healthy and get into shape, for some a difficult problem for some an easy everyday processe, but either way everyone runs into a problem or to, for exemple to much wieght on a bench press even a treadmill that is rusty and cannot founction properly and most of all equipment installed or used in the wrong way.

So in this video we have a girl that decides to do a couple chin ups at home with a self installed chin up bar that you can just put on in one easy step and take off right after you are done and all this in a doorway, so she installes the bar and starts on her first chin up when suddenly the bar decides to drop with her, I guess she put to much force in bringing herself up and maybe but this is a crazy idea maybe she just installed it wrong, it woulnd`t hurt to double check if its properlly in would it? Either way she falls straight on her back which must hurt terribly. I guess she won`t be doing chin ups at home anytime soon. :)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello Bloggers,
So for the most that workout you know how annoying, hard and even loud deadlifts may get and for some a little messy, and if you do not know what a proper deadlift is I will attach a video at the bottom of this blog of how its done,

So here we have a kid that is trying to attempt a deadlift with no success and a big mess, most people think its easy to do a deadlift when it really isn`t it takes a lot of strength and endurance to successfully complete one, the kid starts off okay and gets actually really loud and the unexpected happened, the kid pukes, like out of all the fails this could have ended with it ended with a puke now if it wasn`t unexpected i guess it wouldn`t have been as funny right, the best stuff are always the ones that you least suspect, and for that this video deserves a spot on my fail blog :).